2008년 7월 20일 일요일

Good Bye~

When I was level 4, 6 months ago, I met Moe, who is from Saudi. At the first time, I got little scared because he was a big person, taller than me, having a long hair, and always with a big head set. One day, he asked me to grab a bite, so I followed him carefully. I screwed up my courage to say, “Your hair is long. I mean… it’s nice” He said “I like Bob Marley. That’s why I raise my hair just to be like him” Ooh! I was surprised because I like Bob Marley too! I told him that fact, and just then he put his head set on me. I was surprised again because it was too loud, but I couldn’t refuse it because I was still frightened. In class, he always made jokes. At that time I couldn’t help laughing because of him. Whatever he said was hilarious, so I usually tried to talk to him, and then, we became friends, so we had dinners, went his house, and sometimes played video game. After knowing his friends, I tried to introduce him to my friends, but they usually seemed to get scared. I, therefore, couldn’t have time to hang out with him a lot. Moreover, we were in different class and so busy to do own homework. We didn’t even talk many times. A few months, however, had passed; we became classmates again, so we became more familiar. We even decided to find rooms to live with friends even though it was thrown up because of money. Anyway, we had had busy days because of homework. One day, when I was doing my homework, he called me and said that he would go back to Saudi, so he invited his last party. I couldn’t say anything. I felt sad. I regretted that I hadn’t had enough time with him. Last Friday, I went to his house to have a party. At that time I drank a lot, played game, and listened reggae music with his friends. As time went by, he felt sleepy; furthermore, he had to fly in an airplane after 5 hours. I hugged him, and said good bye and see you again.
He is such a nice guy. He tries to understand other people’s feeling and situations; also, he knows how to praise people and how to make people laugh. Moreover, I learned many things. First, my speaking is much better than before. Every teacher who taught me said my English is a weakness skill before meeting him, but now my writing is the worst skill. :D Also, I don’t judge people by their appearance anymore. He is bigger than me, so actually, I was afraid of talking with him, but now he is my friend. He told me that he could come to Canada again, if he got a scholarship from Saudi. However, even if he couldn’t come to Canada again, it would be ok because we have good memories and share it, so whenever I miss him, I can think about it. I guess he would do that too, but I miss him and hope to see him again.

When we went to the high park to see cherry blossom with my friends.

2008년 7월 11일 금요일


Third World Countries & Underdevelopment.
July 8 Tuesday Nadia

I have attended her lecture, which makes me think a lot about society. Globalization is dvertised like utopia, but it is true only for the rich. People, in the U.S., began to suicide by falling after the world war because they became bankruptcy. We call that the great depression.

However, this great depression of theory becomes in the world. Even though we have social
welfare programs, people are still not sharing what they have. As a result, lots of people lose heir jobs and not are able to find new jobs, so people have begun to suicide. Nadia talked about women's rights. House work used to be only female job, but women didn't get paid; moreover, men had a tendency to look down to women because men made money.

However, if women get to work; instead of, doing chores, they would earn money as well. Actually, nowadays they have made lots of money, but the problem is that it still happens to the people of the lower classes that men look down to women because they are not educated well because of money.

Education has become really expensive, so Nadia sent her son to public school, which is cheap. One day, Nadia got the call from school because her son had been absent for a month, but it is ok for her because every kid doesn't want to go to school. However, Nadia complained about telling late, but they told her they were busy to control other students, who had been for a longer time.

Therefore, Nadia decided to send her son to more expensive school. That means as cost is cheaper, the quality of service drops. That is not real well-fare system. 34% students are expelled from school, but they are not stupid, just they don't have enough money to get good quality of education and any adult, who can care of them.

It is not fair, so even though poor people are trying, they cannot be like us because of a wrong system. Global groups are threatening us as well because they have seized power. Canada, for example, is a victim. Canada has to play U.S. rule because U.S. has national groups, so if Canada does not play their rule, U.S would say to national groups and Canada would pay for their “fault”.

After then, we watched a video, which is about global brand. They have monopolized a market, so new brands cannot sell their products; furthermore, we have no choice for products and even no jobs. They have sold not only their products, but also people’s dreams and thought. They know what people want to be, so their advertisement is made with famous people, who people want to be; as a result, people could think that if they bought their products, they would be the people, who they like.

Their manufacture system is, also, strategic, so other new brands can’t earn money as much as global brands can. Their products are made by developing countries, which have cheap labors. If the developing countries which their factories are located in claimed more money, they would change places. Consequently, the people in America have lost their jobs; otherwise, the people in
the developing countries have gotten a job, but they get paid a little. That is why we should reconsider about globalization again.

She speaks loudly and clearly, so I could understand what she was saying easily; moreover,
learned how to think critically, globally, and locally. Otherwise, it was not good to see that some
students were sleeping. I sometimes sleep in the class, so I think over what I do in the class (I
would never sleep again…). Even though, her lecture was little bit long, I enjoyed a lot because
I recognized that I can attend a lecture and understand, so I got confidence. It was good time
and worth for me. :D