2008년 8월 16일 토요일

Gay Right!

Gay right was a topic in my seminar class today. Fabor my teacher showed us kissing gays and lesbians, so one student said disgusting, but lesbians are better to see. The gays’ picture was not familiar to me (not disgusting), but I’m used to seeing the lesbians’ picture because I’ve seen some lesbians in Korea, but not gays. Therefore, if I get used to seeing gays, I will not care about them. I will leave them whatever they want to do because they don’t bother me. Also, it is natural. Teacher said that other species show homosexual behavior, so people could be homosexual, too; in addition, philosophers in Greek liked to have young boy friends, and even the bible mentions about homosexuals. For that reason, we should accept them to get married each other; moreover, they should have the right to adopt children; they have to teach them that homosexual, heterosexual (people who love opposite sex), bisexual (people who love both sex) and asexual (people who do not love anyone) are all normal, though because they can be confused.
However, some people believe that homosexual is harmful to themselves because we do not know what will happen if we accept them completely. Also, they think that that’s a kind of a mental disease because they do not follow their sex. Some of part of their opinion is also right because when we try something new, we might find a side effect. Especially, if we accept homosexual without criticism, there will be some problems for sure, such as confusion. Therefore, we should respect each other; furthermore, we should compromise our own idea and find a better way.

1. What do you think about homosexual people?

2. Let us think about the reason why we have over population. Societies had forced people to get married and have a baby?


One day, I went downtown for jazz festival with my friends. A public performance would start at 5 o’clock, but we arrived there very earlier, so we drank beer in a pub, which is named The Rex. However, we still had time, so we went shopping and bought some clothes, but one of my friends has a job, so he went back to work, and another one said she had had an appointment and sorry. They left me, but I wanted to listen to jazz music. I like all kinds of music, so I was waiting for a ticket, but the ticket was sold out. I considered going back home, but I heard tough voice from the pub, we drank beer. I went there and just stood up. He sang a song, maybe expressed his emotion. I couldn’t understand what his lyric was, but I could understand what he wanted to say. I felt like to sit down and drank beer, again, but at that time, I already spent a lot of money, so I just gave the singer some tips like 1 to 2 dollars. After then, I left there and went back home.
I like all kinds of music, but the best is reggae because it is addictive, amusing, and exciting, but also comfortable. Bob Marley is good, but for me, it is not so much nice. The reason may be that I don’t smoke marijuana or I don’t know about reggae music well, yet. I recommend listening Korean reggae musician, whose name is Skull. He speaks Jamaican English, so I don’t know whether you understand or not, I don’t understand, though.
This is his space. You can listen to his music without free. Yeah~~

"Boom di Boom di" his song has been ranked in Billboard before.

(He is taking military service, so I cannot listen his song anymore!! I have to wait for his new songs until he finishes military servcise.)

Anyway, this is my taste. What about you? What kind of music do you like?


I talked with Kotaro and Puma about American cars. Kotaro is a smart guy and knows lots of things, so Puma and I asked him about American auto markets. He explained how American car companies have developed is that they intervene in wars. When they don’t have enough money, the America Government will make conflicts; and then, car companies produce weapons or armored cars and sell them. I knew that America makes money from weapon businesses, but I didn’t know that they provoke war for money. How important is money? What is more valuable than people?
Anyway, after talking, I showed them my essay and asked them to evaluate. They said what I want to say is clear, but I need to add more information in that, but my essay is good. I don’t think my essay is good. It’s just OK. However, I felt a kind of satisfied. When I came here, I didn’t even know what present perfect is and how to write an eassy. Also, I couldn’t make questions, well. I read what I wrote when I was level 3. It was totally Korean grammar (spelling is better than now, though). I don’t know how my level 3 teacher understood. Now, I can’t say that my English is perfect, but I can say that my English has been improving. Of course, I will never satisfied with English, so I will keep doing my best.


One day, Don my teacher invited us to his house. I was so excited because I like a baby. He has a cute daughter, whose name is Nathalie. Actually, one of my sisters gave a birth a few days ago, so Nathalie reminds me of my niece, who I have never seen. Anyway, Don’s wife who comes from Mexico she served some cheese, pitas, and some olives. Those were delicious, and also, I was starving, so I couldn’t stop eating. There were a lot of Latin people, so first time, I felt awkward because I usually hang out with Asian friends. After about hour, one girl came to me to talk with, so I asked her about herself. She is Nathalie’s aunt and came to Canada to take care of the baby. I asked her about Mexico, and she seemed to enjoy talking with me. I was happy to talk to her, too. After then, I stood on a veranda with our class people. Chie was next to the her husband, who looks robust. He talked with Don, Chie and Ahamed about English and their jobs. Puma seemed to be drunk, so Maria and Ayana enjoyed with that. I was just standing and looking at his family. I felt nostalgic because when my relatives come to my house, they talk even louder than that, but I like that because they smile and look happy; also, I can feel that I am not alone. A dog was running around in the kitchen, so I went there to see the dog, but I saw the baby with the dog. I bent my knees and back, and called her “Nathalie~”. She ran away from me, but she turned to me promptly. I hid myself behind wall, and I played “Disappear and Appear”, which is Korean game for babies. Babies don’t recognize people hide their faces behind paper or something, so when we hide our faces, babies think that they disappeared. And then, they show their faces again. Babies think they come back, so they laugh a lot. However, she didn’t seem to like playing with me, but she was smiling. HaHa. After that, we went out to eat some. There was a festival, but it was just like crowded street. However, I went there with my people, so I had nice time.

2008년 8월 14일 목요일

Calling to my friends.

I called three of my Korean friends, who live in Korea, on different days. One of them answered my phone in low spirit, but I felt like to do mischief, so I pretended like a card company staff. I asked him to pay 300,000 won for card commission. His voice was not good. He said, “I don’t know who you are, but please stop doing mischief.” I laughed, “Hey! It’s me! Dong-Hyun! Sorry HaHa! What are you doing, now?” He sighed “I’m shaving my hair.” I was surprised. Yes, many of my friends are taking military services. When I called him, he was waiting for that. I couldn’t say anything. We talked for about 30 minutes. I said, “Don’t worry, you will do well”, but he asked me when I would take a military service. I answered after graduating a university. He said that it might be problems because younger people could be a higher grade; also, they wouldn’t use polite expression to me. (Korean people have specific expression for older people.) “Yes, but everything’s going to be OK. Anyway take care”, I said; and then, we hung up.
After few days later, I called to one of others. I did mischief again; his voice was also not good. He was taking a train to go to a barrack. He said that he would hang up the phone very early because he would arrive there soon and asked me when I would take a military service. I answered the same. He said the exactly same thing about polite expression. Then, he hung up the phone.
After few days again, I called to last one. He was at home, but after 3 minutes he started to talk about military service. He said he wouldn’t take that because he got much fat, so his weight was 110 kg, so he would work in a ward office, instead. Then, he asked me when I would take a military service. I got angry because I felt that he was making fun of me. He won’t take a military service, but he asked me when I will.
I don’t want to take that, but many people say every body takes it, so I can overcome. It doesn’t make sense to me that every body does, so I have to. However, if I don’t go, nobody will want to. Then, who is going to do it? I will learn how to take care of people and how to cope with a dramatic event; on the other hand, I will learn how to kill people. However, I have no choice. Maybe, I might find some fun in there, and I might have good memories in there. I hope.

2008년 8월 12일 화요일


I sometimes go running at night. One day, I went running. The night was nothing special. Street lamps were light, and it was little windy, but I suddenly heard a voice. “Hi, are you busy now?” A girl smiled. I was able to see her black teeth and her dark circles. I nodded my head. She approached me with smiling. I was surprised, so I turned my direction to run. I had never run like that much fast.
I sometimes play basket ball games in my neighbor hood. There are many people, who play basket ball very well. Usually, black people play very well, so when I have black people for enemies, I usually avoid pushing them; in addition, I lose my confidence before playing games. However, many Asian people can play very well, too, but I do not lose my confidence before playing with them.
I thought about her and black people little bit. First, I asked myself who she was. She might be a prostitute or a drug seller because I heard that some drug abusers have black teeth and look tired. However, she might want to ask me where a convenience is or something. Also, black people are not always good at doing sports. Obviously, many famous basket ball players are black, but not tennis, soccer, base ball, pingpong, swimming, etc. It is just my stereotype, so I refused the woman, who might ask my cell phone number and lost many games because I became demoralized. I don’t know yet how to use stereotypes like Bruno Bettleheim, but I think if I know how to deal with my stereotype, it will be my advantage.

Does anyone have a funny or special stereotype or jinx? If you have, how do you deal with it?

Niagara Fall

A friend of mine suggested going to Niagara fall because he had never been in there, so we gathered some people and hired a tour guide. We arrived there at 2 o’clock, and weather was pretty nice, it was supposed to be raining though. We had to finish trip until 6 p.m. because of the tour guide. We just saw the nice view of the fall, had a dinner, went to a chocolate shop, and then, we left the Niagara park.
We felt unsatisfied, so we went to a pub, located near the Sheppard station. We drank a lot and had fun. At that time, a Chinese waitress came to us to take an order and asked my Japanese friend what high school he graduated. He asked her why she asked the question because he graduated in Japan, so she said that he is resembled with her friend pretty much. He tried to learn Chinese immediately and got be able to say “you are beautiful”, “would you like to become my girl friend?” or something in Chinese. After getting used to saying some sentences, He spoke that to her and tried to get her cell phone number, but it was failed. She might just think that he is resembled with her friend.
After drinking, we came to my house to drink more. Actually, before traveling we bought some drink at my home, so we drank again. There were about 10 people, my place is not that much big though. We played games. The penalty of the game was drinking, so many people got drunk, and one by one fell asleep. After that day, we woke up little early, so we couldn’t find a restaurant to have a break fast. We said good bye each other and went back to own place. It was nice time, and everybody seemed to enjoy it.