I sometimes go running at night. One day, I went running. The night was nothing special. Street lamps were light, and it was little windy, but I suddenly heard a voice. “Hi, are you busy now?” A girl smiled. I was able to see her black teeth and her dark circles. I nodded my head. She approached me with smiling. I was surprised, so I turned my direction to run. I had never run like that much fast.
I sometimes play basket ball games in my neighbor hood. There are many people, who play basket ball very well. Usually, black people play very well, so when I have black people for enemies, I usually avoid pushing them; in addition, I lose my confidence before playing games. However, many Asian people can play very well, too, but I do not lose my confidence before playing with them.
I thought about her and black people little bit. First, I asked myself who she was. She might be a prostitute or a drug seller because I heard that some drug abusers have black teeth and look tired. However, she might want to ask me where a convenience is or something. Also, black people are not always good at doing sports. Obviously, many famous basket ball players are black, but not tennis, soccer, base ball, pingpong, swimming, etc. It is just my stereotype, so I refused the woman, who might ask my cell phone number and lost many games because I became demoralized. I don’t know yet how to use stereotypes like Bruno Bettleheim, but I think if I know how to deal with my stereotype, it will be my advantage.
Does anyone have a funny or special stereotype or jinx? If you have, how do you deal with it?
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I don't know about a special stereotype, but your question reminds me about a few years ago when I had a beard. People would react to that. I think it made me look more serious or strict. It also made me look older, since it was getting grey.
And every once in a while, someone would ask me if I am Jewish, which is odd. Nowadays no one ever asks me that.
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